Looking for experienced dentists who provide affordable dental care for the whole family? At Capital Dental, we strive to provide the best dental care possible and believe that everyone deserves access to exceptional care.
Our dentists have over 35 years of experience, providing a range of dental care services to the Metro Jackson community and throughout the entire state of Mississippi. Capital Dental Clinic has treated generations of smiles.
At Capital Dental, we provide personalized dental care that has been tailored to each specific client, their oral health and ultimate smile goals. We understand that every smile isn’t the same and that our treatments shouldn’t be either.
At Capital Dental, we provide a warm, welcoming and relaxing environment for patients of all ages, from infants to the elderly. We provide a wide range of treatment options perfect for treating smiles of any age.
In order to provide the safest, healthiest and most effective care, our dental practice is equipped with advanced, state-of-the-art technology. We also provide only the most modern treatment options, ensuring the best care possible.
Ready to visit our experienced, family-friendly and affordable dentists? Schedule your appointment with Capital Dental today, we’re always accepting new patients and would be happy to treat your family’s smiles.
We do not limit our dental service to one location; our dentists will be more than happy to assist you with your dental needs. Schedule your appointment with us today.